We have all read in the biology books in 10th standard, that the scientific name of onion is Allium sepa and that it belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. However, what we do not know are the health benefits of onions and how it helps in curing us of a range of ailments.
By using the onions health benefits, scientists have long been making medicines which are highly used in Homeopathy and Ayurveda. These no-fat vegetables not only add flavor to the food but also adds glamour and acts as a natural pain reliever. From hair to toes, people have been rinsing off the benefits of onions to cure a number of conditions.
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Onion is rich in minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals, which makes it a mandatory addition in every diet ever made. Hence, if you want to know more about the health benefits of onion, keep scrolling below:

List of Health Benefits of Onion
Tissue Repair
One of the prime health benefits of onion is its contribution in repairing of damaged tissues. It is rich in Vitamin C which boosts the collagen production inside the body, thereby contributing to increased absorption of mineral iron and eventually help in tissue repair.
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Onion is also loaded with antioxidants which prevents the formation of free radicals responsible for an imbalance in metabolism. Thus, doctors highly uphold the benefits of eating raw onions everyday as it contributes to the maintenance of normal body metabolism to an extent.
Onions are packed with antioxidants and Vitamin C, both of which are wonder-workers in keeping the skin stretched and young.
Wrinkles and other signs of aging are primarily caused by the formation of free radicals inside our body from various biochemical reactions occurring during body metabolism.
Hence, the antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals and thus prevents tissue damage on a regular basis and thus, may act as an anti-aging formula.
The benefits of onion juice can also be reaped for facial glow. Applying onion juice on face can enhance the facial health and promote a healthy-looking, glowing face. It also helps in reducing pimples, acnes, reducing acne marks, depigmentation, scars and other spots not only on face but also on the body.
Reduces Blood Sugar
Onions are rich in anthocyanins and quercetin both of which are known for their anti-diabetic properties.
Anthocyanins are plant pigment which is available in a number of plant byproducts.
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Quercetin is one of the most important constituents in onions which has the ability to bind to the intestinal membranes, pancreas, liver, and other organs that help in food assimilation.
The compound can also be obtained from tea and apples. However, its availability in large proportions contributes to several health benefits of onions.
Most of the benefits of onions are only pronounced if consumed raw. Even though we consume it in our daily meals, the benefits of eating raw onions everyday helps in better integration and prevents the raw fibers from getting disturbed. Cooking alters most of the compounds and reduces its benefits and thus, onions are solely recommended to be eaten raw to reap most of the benefits.
Hair Health
The benefits of onion juice are more pronounced in promoting hair health. It has anti-bacterial properties which prevent dirt and germ build-up on the scalp and thus prevents the formation of blisters, lesions, etc.
Apart from that, application of onion juice on the scalp twice a week prevents dandruff from returning every now and then. It also boosts hair growth in dormant hair follicles and increases overall hair volume.
Promotes Gut Health
Among the prime benefits of eating raw onions everyday, one of the most known is promoting better gut health. The prebiotics content in onions promotes the generation of short-chain fatty acids in the gut by bacteria that are good for health.
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These fatty acids boost digestion, reduces acidity, lowers risks of inflammation or formation of lesions and swelling. It also helps in boosting the body immune system, thereby protecting the body from easily getting affected by several diseases.
A healthy functioning gut guarantees better mineral and vitamin absorption and thus enhances bone density and strengthens them more.
Cancer Prevention
Among the most known onion nutrition facts is that it helps in preventing several types of cancer in the long term. Besides being rich in Vitamin C, it has high contents of Vitamin B complex, folic acid, dietary fibers, and minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc., which makes it one of the most vital components in our diet.
Onions are rich in phytochemicals, quercetin and other compounds which prevents risks of tumors, lesions, ulcers and cancers. Among the benefits of eating raw onions every day, reducing the probability of colorectal cancers is the most pronounced. Apart from that, it also prevents prostate cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer as well.
Do not exceed the daily intake limit. As per the onion nutrition facts, one medium sized onion every day is all it takes. It has zero fat, no calorie and low sodium content which makes a cup of chopped raw onions the best amount for regular consumption. However, it should be mandatorily checked that the daily intake capacity is not exceeded. Even though the side effects of onions are not common, anything excess might have reverse effects on the body.
Wrap Up – Onion Health Benefits
Benefits of onions have also been used for treating heart diseases. It is rich in antioxidants and is primarily helpful in reducing bad cholesterol, the accumulation of which is responsible for narrowing arteries and causing heart attacks in humans.
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Onion also helps in lowering blood pressure and preventing inflammation in the blood vessels thereby boosting normal blood circulation in the arteries, veins and capillaries. This directly contributes to normal body metabolism, glowing face, healthier gut and voluminous hair.
Therefore, with such a range of cures available, the health benefits of onions are extremely hard to ignore.