Eating Protein & Hair Growth. What Does Protein Do for Your Hair? Let’s Find Out the Importance of Protein for Hair Growth
If your hair has started thinning and you’re experiencing hair loss, check out these tips on how to naturally increase hair growth.
- So, is there a connection between hair growth and protein intake?
- Can protein help hair growth?
Let’s find answers on protein for hair loss and how to tackle hair loss problems with protein intake.
All of us lose hair, so if you find some hair strands on your brush during your daily hair combing routine, there’s no need to panic.

Remember: Hair shedding is different from hair loss!
It is quite normal to shed about 50 to 100 hairs on a daily basis, but if you are shedding more and especially if the problem continues for a few months, it’s time to take steps.
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Protein and Hair – The Connection
What is the importance of protein for hair growth? Protein is a key element for a head of shiny and lustrous hair.
- Hair is made up mostly of protein, specifically keratin, which the hair follicles produce.
- As new hair cells are produced by the follicles, old ones are pushed out as a few strands of fallen hair every day.
- Each strand of hair consists of protein fibers, so you need protein for your hair to grow. That’s the importance of protein for hair growth.
- The protein helps hair to grow and also strengthen the hair shaft, so that breakage and loss is reduced.
- Protein is also useful for repairing damaged hair, because it repairs the cell tissue.
Lack of Protein and Hair Loss
Getting sufficient amount of protein is important for a strong and toned body, but also important for healthy hair on your head.
- Proteins are the building blocks for our muscles, heart, brain, kidneys, you name it!
- If you have a protein deficiency, you could see a change in your crowning glory. Hair loss is one of the key signs of protein deficiency. So, you need to include a healthy dose of protein in your daily diet.
- When your body is lacking in protein, it tries to save on the important nutrient by controlling the growing hairs to a resting phase. Your body is basically trying to ration the amount of protein that it is getting. The protein that is used for hair growth is now used for replenishing and repairing the body instead.
- When hair follicles do not receive the required protein, the hair becomes dull and brittle. If you don’t treat the brittle hair, it starts falling and your hair starts to thin.
- Moreover, when the hairs are in the growing stage, they need protein. If they do not get enough of protein, they enter the resting phase instead of growing. The resting hairs then begin to fall within a few months.
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Protein Treatments for Healthy Hair Growth
There are several protein treatments available for sale and also some home remedies that you can apply for preventing hair loss and enhancing hair growth.
- Can protein make your hair grow? Add a protein treatment to your beauty routine every 1 to 2 months to prevent hair loss and protect the hair protein called keratin.
- A protein treatment works by offering nourishment to your hair externally.
- It strengthens the hair strands and prevents breakage externally.
- There are conditioning masks used as a light treatment, deeper penetrating treatments for intense moisturizing and reconstructors for dry and brittle hair, severe damage, etc.
- These are among the best protein for hair loss. Protein powder for hair growth and protein shakes for hair growth are also good for protecting your hair from damage and hair fall. Buy a good quality protein shake and mix it with whole foods.
Remember: Look for powders and shake mix that contain Vitamin E; amino acids; herbs etc.
- These protein shakes and powders are taken for several weeks to see a visible difference in the hair fall problem.
- Protein rich shampoos are also used on the hair in order to protect the hair from falling or from damage.
- Whey protein for hair growth is also a very convenient and easy way for improving hair health. It is one among the best protein for hair growth. Whey is a very pure form of protein that can be obtained from cow milk removed while processing cheese. The concentrated form is in the form of whey protein and protein powders. Check out the top benefits of whey protein for your hair.
- Natural hair protein packs are also useful for hair loss!
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However, remember that hair follicles need nourishment from the inside and external protein packs can only play a limited role in hair health and as a hair loss treatment!
Use protein treatment wisely according to your hair type, whether oily, dry, coarse etc. Overuse could result in stiff hair due to residue buildup. Also check out the side effects of common whey powders!
Amount of Protein Needed for Healthy Hair

As already mentioned above, if you do not give your body enough protein or if you have protein deficiency, it will start limiting the amount given to the hair and ration it. Eating protein for hair growth, therefore, makes sense!
- According to the US Deptt. Of Agriculture, you must eat about 5 to 6.5-ounce equivalents protein food per day, which means about 46 to 56 grams of protein. Including more protein in your diet could save your hair from falling.
Remember: Ounce equivalents vary with the type of food. Check out the protein ounce equivalents of different foods.
According to the USDA, you must eat a minimum of 8 ounces seafood like shrimp and tuna rich in omega 3 fatty acids, as these cannot be produced by the body.
- Omega 3 fatty acids hydrate the hair and keep it strong.
- Protein rich foods, both animal as well as plant-based ones, are also rich in iron. This could help with hair loss.
Tip: A typical American diet will have sufficient protein intake to prevent hair loss!
Note: Look out for important foods for a healthy head of hair! This will help you in eating high protein foods to protect your hair!
On an average, protein should constitute about 10 to 35 percentage of the total calories you consume in a day. An adult would need around 50 grams of proteins per day. Protein rich foods can save the day as far as your hair is concerned.
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Proper Nutrition to Accelerate Hair Growth
While checking out creams and cosmetics to improve and condition your hair, the most important thing you should be doing is to provide your body with proper nutrition to prevent hair loss.
- A proper diet with all the nutrients will ensure that your hair gets its share of nutrients for promoting growth and preventing hair loss, breakage and dryness.
- Hair is made up of protein so you must ensure that you are getting sufficient protein in your diet, to keep it strong and healthy.
Chicken; turkey; fish; eggs; and dairy products are excellent sources of protein, whereas nuts and legumes are excellent vegetarian sources.
Soy Protein Hair Treatment
There are many products in the market using protein for hair growth, showing how important protein is for protection from hair loss.
- The list is endless, with whey protein, casein, fish protein, beans, poultry protein etc.
- Soy protein is used in hair products. You might see it mentioned as hydrolyzed soy proteins. This means that the soy protein is broken down to smaller chains, so that the hair can easily absorb it and use these proteins.
- It improves the texture of the hair and strengthens and repairs damaged hair. It also hydrates the hair and gives your crowning glory a shiny look. It is a good protein for hair growth treatment.
Tip: Soy protein could be listed in the name of soybean peptide; hydrolyzed soy protein; amino acid etc.
Last Word on Protein for Hair Growth
Proteins are the building blocks for our muscles, heart, brain, kidneys, you name it! The beautiful hair on your head consists almost entirely of keratin, a protein.
When your body is lacking in protein, it tries to save on the important nutrient by controlling the growing hairs to a resting phase. The protein that is used for hair growth is now used for replenishing and repairing the body instead.
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The hair then goes into the resting or shedding phase. The resting hairs then begin to fall within a few months. Thus, it makes sense to conclude that if you have a protein deficiency, you could see a change in your crowning glory.
Hair loss is one of the key signs of protein deficiency. So, make sure you include sufficient protein in your diet if you want to preserve that crowning glory!
In short, protein is vital for hair growth and repair.