Recognizing the Key Signs of a Healthy Horse.
If you own a horse, you should know the signs of a healthy horse. It will help you understand whenever your horse is sick. It is easy to recognize an unhealthy horse if you know how a healthy horse looks like. In order to provide proper horse health care, you must know how to tell if your horse is healthy.
Signs of a Healthy Horse
There are various signs of good health in horses. You need to check their appetite, attitude, weight, and physical appearance to understand if they are healthy.
Let’s take a look at the 10 signs of a healthy horse:
If you look at the appetite of your horse, you can understand whether he is healthy. The primary sign of a disease in a horse is a loss of appetite.
If your horse refuses to eat, it can be the sign of an infectious disease such as influenza.
You must check the temperature of your horse to understand if he has an infection. The normal temperature of an adult horse should be between 99 and 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If your horse has a higher temperature, it implies that he has an infection.
One of the most common signs of a healthy horse is that he should have a healthy weight. However, it is tricky to determine the healthy weight for horses. You can feel the ribs of your horse, but would not be able to see the ribs.
You should not let your horse get underweight or obese. It is a balancing act because horses can lose weight quickly. Therefore, you must check the appetite of your horse from time to time.
Attitude and Movement
If you know what does a healthy horse looks like, you can easily tell when your horse is not feeling well. A healthy horse has a bright and cheerful attitude. He is alert, comfortable, and interested in the surroundings.
An injured or sick horse feels uncomfortable. He looks dull and disinterested in his surroundings. Some common signs of pain are rolling, rapid respiration, and repeated kicking.
A healthy horse displays free movement. If your horse has an irregular gait, it means he is not perfectly healthy.
Hair Coat
Routine health care for horses is a must for a horse’s glowing hair coat. It includes frequent grooming and taking care of the nutritional requirements of the horse.
If your horse has a shiny hair coat, it means that he is healthy. A dull hair coat means that the horse is deprived of proper nutrition and grooming. His body has become a host for parasites.
Eyes and Nose
One of the most important signs of a healthy horse is clear and open eyes. If your horse has discolored or cloudy eyes, it means he is not healthy. You need to call the veterinarian for horse health checks if the horse has a dull or glazed appearance.
Normally, horses have a trickle of clear liquid from their nostrils. Unusual discharge from the nose is a sign of disease. The nostrils of your horse must be clean and devoid of excessive mucus.
Gums – Know the Signs of a Healthy Horse
Salmon pink gums are one of the most important signs of a healthy horse. You must check the gums of your horse to understand if he is perfectly healthy.
If the gums of your horse are salmon pink and moist, it means he is in good health. Pressing the gums of your horse will change the color from salmon pink to white. However, within a few seconds, the color of the gums will return back to salmon pink.
If the gums of your horse are pale or deep red in color, it implies that he is not healthy. An unhealthy horse has either yellow gums or gums streaked with small and broken blood vessels. If you see deep red or purple colored gums, you need to call the veterinarian.
Healthy legs are one of the most important signs of a healthy horse. You need to check the legs and feet of your horse to understand whether he is healthy or not. Your horse should be able to stand in such a way that his weight gets distributed evenly on all four feet.
If you see that your horse is raising his legs slightly, it is normal. But if he is trying to take the weight off a foreleg, it is not normal. The legs of your horse must be free of cuts, bumps, and swelling.
If the feet of your horse look dry and cracked, it can be a sign of poor health. No heat should be there on the feet of your horse.
Your horse will have a difficult time eating and chewing if he has unhealthy teeth. If you do not check and rasp the teeth of your horse at least once in a year, development of sharp points can occur.
If you see your horse drops feed out of his mouth while eating, understand that he has unhealthy teeth. You need to call the veterinarian immediately.
Urine and Manure
In order to provide proper horse health care, you need to check the urine and manure of your horse. A healthy horse has wheat-colored urine. It can be slightly cloudy or absolutely clear. If your horse is healthy, he will pass manure 8-12 times in a day.
A healthy horse drinks 5-10 gallons of water in a day. It depends on various factors such as weather conditions and exercise level.
Wrapping It Up
Now that you know the signs of a healthy horse, you can easily understand when your horse is not healthy. You must know what do horses need in order to provide the right health care to your horse.
There are various tips on keeping your horse healthy. The most important of them is scheduling an annual veterinarian checkup. You must take care of the nutritional requirements of your horse.
You must be patient when you are training or riding your horse. Remember that horses are prone to stress. Too much stress can result in ulcers, diarrhea, and a weak immune system.
Groom your horse so that it has a shiny coat, healthy hooves, and healthy teeth. Make sure that your horse gets his daily exercise.
Don’t forget about the hooves either! They are like a mirror of the horse’s condition, require frequent inspection and regular cleaning, in which case many vices and diseases can be prevented.